10 Best random image generators to use in Web Design 2025

Looking for the best random image generators out there? We list the top 10 here for your convenience.

Random image generators help web developers by providing images in the right size at the right time, so you can focus on your work.

Also called placeholders, they play a very important role in web development. From the popular Lorem Ipsum text to dummy images, they all help to accelerate the design process.

There are many random image generators and similar applications scattered around the web, but this post lists the 10 best among them. Also, check out the best color palette generators.

Top Random Image Generators

1.Dummy ImagePractical, extensive featuresdummyimage.com
2.PlaceIMGUser-friendly interfaceplaceimg.com
3.Place KittenFor cat loversplacekitten.com
4.Fake ImageFree and open-sourcegithub.com/xxx/fakeimage
5.Dummy Image GeneratorExtensive configurationdummy-image-generator.com
6.ArtbreederMix & generate imagesartbreeder.com
7.Dummy Image GeneratorClean UI, dummy textwebsiteplanet.com/webtools/dummy-images-generator
8.Random ImageSimple UIrndimg.com
9.Lorem PixelSleek UI, flexiblelorempixel.com
10.FPOImgFunctional designfpoimg.com

1. Dummy Image

  • Highlights: Practical & extensive features
  • Website: dummyimage.com

Dummy Image is probably the most popular of all the random image generators and for a good reason. The platform is packed full of features and is additionally easy to use.

You can use the input form on the site to add the details you want and then get the needed URL. Or you could just code the URL by hand if you know the conventions.

The system lets you add text and text color, background color, height, and width. If you specify only height, then you get a square. Plus, you can add ratios, 3-digit hex values, and all the standard sizes for ads, videos, and screen standards.

Dummy Image is a practical and well-thought-out application, written in PHP. You can get its open-source code here on GitHub, from where it has inspired 14+ similar projects.

2. PlaceIMG

  • Highlights: User-friendly interface, simple
  • Website: placeimg.com

The user-friendliness of the PlaceIMG platform makes it perfect for those who need simple, uncomplicated access to images.

It lets you set the width and height of the desired images. The default setting here is 640 x 480, so you can just copy the output text and be on your way if that is okay.

Else, you can further customize the images. You can choose a category from tech to people, nature, animals, and architecture. You can also select a filter, including grayscale and sepia.

Hit the green button to preview the image. Click on Refresh to reload with a new image. The preview also offers you the ability to download the image directly. Else, you can always use the generated URL.

3. Place Kitten

  • Highlights: Strictly for cat lovers
  • Website: placekitten.com

If you can’t get enough of cats, then Place Kitten might make you happy. Imagine getting an endless supply of cute little kitten pictures, each one cuter than the other.

Simply add the http://placekitten.com/300/600 for instance and you get a 300 x 600 image. Or change the values to get any resolution of your choice.

You should note that this is a personal preference because you either love cats or you don’t. But if you have a warm heart for pets in general, then you might love Place Kitten.

4. Fake Image

  • Highlights: Free and open source
  • Website: github.com/xxx/fakeimage

For those geeks who like to build their version of everything, Fake Image offers you the opportunity to do just that. However, you will need to know some Ruby.

The files are hosted on GitHub, so feel free to clone or fork. Then get building, hopefully adding unique features to make it work your way.

You can also get it running on localhost. This can come in handy, especially when you are developing locally. The system supports multiple image formats and resolutions, including .gif, .jpeg, and .png. Just add the needed dimension like:


to get what you want. It also creates text with selectable colors. Just add the GET parameters when making your call and the rest is taken care of, like this:


5. Dummy Images Generator

  • Highlights: Extensive configuration
  • Website: dummy-image-generator.com

This is a flexible and highly customizable platform with lots of features. It makes it easy to select everything from the number of images to sizes, formats, and backgrounds.

You can choose from 1 to 5, 10, 15, and 20 images. You can also either choose mixed sizes or go for custom sizes that you can define. Then, there are formats from 4:3 to 16:9 HD and so on.

Additionally, you can either select a single background color or you can mix colors. You can also choose a photo mix, which includes plenty of photos in many categories from abstract, to animals, business, objects, nature, winter, buildings, people, and so on.

Finally, you can scroll down to preview the images you just created. And then hit the “Download as Zip” button to get them all at once.

6. Artbreeder

  • Highlights: Easily combine images, highly creative, millions to choose from
  • Website: artbreeder.com

Although the Artbreeder platform is slightly different from all the others on the list, you can still use it for generating amazing placeholder images.

This is especially true when you need extraordinary images for your project. Artbreeder lets you combine images to create something unique and artistic. So, if you are looking for inspiration, then it may just be exactly what you need.

You can mix a boat with a dog, landscapes with skies, the ocean, architecture, and so on. Artbreeder is a great companion for creative people. Plus it comes with a user-contributed gallery of 100+ million images.

7. Dummy Image Generator

  • Highlights: Clean interface, includes dummy text
  • Website: websiteplanet.com/webtools/dummy-images-generator

The Dummy Image Generator from Websiteplanet enables you to quickly and easily create placeholder images and it comes with some nice options.

First, you can choose between plain color images or a stock image background. For stock images, there is a dropdown list to choose image categories. Next, you can select its length, height, and format. You can also choose between full color, sepia, and grayscale filters.

Then there is an overlay text feature. You can enter a dummy text line for the image and its options include text color and font size.

Keep in mind that all the changes you are making here appear in real-time on the preview window. So, once you are satisfied with what you see, you can click on “Download Image”. There is sadly no hot-linking option here.

8. Random Image

  • Highlights: Simple UI, straight to the point
  • Website: rndimg.com

This is a simple generator that lets you select image sizes and quantities, then press “Go”. The idea is simple. You can choose any of the provided background images, or make it random.

For a random selection, for instance, the generator will produce the number of images that you input in the “how many” box. With their backgrounds being randomly selected from the list.

If you choose a particular motif though, then it will generate your image with the provided dimensions. There is also no hot-linking here. You can view the generated image and if you like it, then save it to your machine.

9. Lorempixel

  • Highlights: Sleek, flexible
  • Website: lorempixel.com

Based on the Lorem Ipsum text placeholder wordplay, Lorem Pixel offers a sleek user interface that lets you either select the features you want or simply code them into the URL.

You can use sliders to choose the image’s length and width. Then select a background picture from different themes, including sports, technics, fashion, business, and so on. Finally, you can choose between full color and gray-scale images.

For direct URL entry, you can just enter the desired details, starting from the dimensions to the background image. Then the category and a dummy text.

10. FPOImg

  • Highlights: Functional design
  • Website: fpoimg.com

FPOImg means For Placement Only Images and it is a simple, yet very cleverly designed random image generator.

You can simply copy the default URL on the page and edit it to fit your needs, or you can tweak it with the included controls.

There are entry boxes for width and height, or you can use the drop-down menu to select one of the most common ad sizes. Further options include a dummy text, then there are color selectors for both the background and the text colors.

Unlike the other geeky platforms where you have to enter #fff for white and so on, FPOImg opens a visual color selector any time you click on the color entry box. Making it easy to select inspiring colors.


We have come to the end of this list and you have seen the best random image generators out there. From the simple and easy to use, to the more feature-packed and flexible applications.

But as we all have different needs, there can be no single best application. So, it is up to you to choose what best meets your needs.

Nnamdi Okeke

Nnamdi Okeke

Nnamdi Okeke is a computer enthusiast who loves to read a wide range of books. He has a preference for Linux over Windows/Mac and has been using
Ubuntu since its early days. You can catch him on twitter via bongotrax

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