Google introduces Search Console Insights for content creators

Google Search Console Insights help content creators improve their content by showing them relevant data to help them do that. Here are all you need to know about SCI.

Google has rolled out a new product to help content creators understand more about their contents and help them optimize their strategy.

The new product is called Search Console Insights and is currently in beta mode. Which means it is not completely ready and available for the general public.

What is Google’s Search Console Insights?

Search Console insight is an initiative by Google to help content creators see helpful data that can help them improve their contents. Search Console Insight makes use of data from both Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

The data are presented in an easy to navigate and understand format.

Search Insight Console Mobile

Features of Google Search Console Insights

The Search Console Insights is like any analytics that helps you understand your content. Only difference is that Google have made used of data from Search console and Google analytics to help content creators better understand how their content is being consumed.

All-time page views

The All-time page views is one of the section in the new SCI. It simply displays the all-time page view of your website.

As you may guess, this data is from Google Analytics.

How your site is doing

This section displays your site basic performance for the last 28 days. You can see page views, average page views duration,

This data is mostly from Google Analytics.

Your new content

This section displays your new contents from the last 28 days and their performance. If your new contents are not appearing, you should be patient. It takes time.

Your most popular content

This is my favourite section. It displays your most popular contents for the last 28 days.

What I love about is that you easily find metrics on your best performing posts. You can see all the keywords that people are using to find the contents.

You can view where people visited your content from. Organic, social network or other channels.

Also, you can find page views and referring site for the particular content.

To find data on a particular content, simply click on it.

How people find you

This section show you how people discovered your content. Organic, search engines and other channels. You also get to see the keywords people are using to discover your contents.

You can find referral links from other websites and more

Who can use Search Console Insights?

Search Console Insights is currently available to select beta testers only. It will be available to everyone once it is stable.

If you are selected to test, you will receive an email.

Remember that you need to be registered with Google Search Console and Google Analytics to be able to access these data.

Is Search Console Insight worth it?

Yes, it is worth it. It brings all the important data needed to understand and improve contents to one place. You don’t need to dig deep to find them It is easily there for you.

I believe it will get better and better with time.

Mfon Abel Ekene

Mfon Abel Ekene

I enjoy creating contents that are helpful. My passion is helping the internet population find what they need by pointing them in the right direction. It is what I love doing and I put in many hours of research and testing to ensure I do just that through my content on TargetTrend.

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