10 Best websites and courses to learn ReactJS online free in 2025

Looking for information on the top 10 websites and courses to learn ReactJS online for free? Read on to see what we have got for you

React.js or Reactjs is one of the web’s most popular JavaScript libraries, perfect for creating and handling interactive user interfaces. So, it’s a top choice for any serious aspiring front-end developer to learn.

It was created by Jordan Walke, a Facebook engineer in 2013. React.js makes it easy to design, manage, and update simple but different views for each of your application’s states. This lets you develop large and complex application interfaces quickly.

The following list presents you with the top online addresses to learn reactjs in no time and for free. Some are website tutorials, while most others are courses.

Top Reactjs Websites and Courses

1.Intro to ReactTutorial
2.React & Redux MasterclassCourse
3.The Complete Beginner’s GuideBook
4.Learn React for FreeCourse
5.Front End Web Development with ReactCourse
6.React FundamentalsCourse
7.A beginner’s guideTutorial
8.Free React BootcampVideo
9.React.js Projects for BeginnersVideo
10.Learn ReactCourse

1. Intro to React

This is a tutorial from the home of React.js and it’s designed especially for coders who love to learn by doing. It teaches you how to build a tic-tac-toe game straight away, so you’ll know what you’ve learned once the game is working.

You get four sections in this tutorial, the first is the starting point, which lays out the groundwork. The second section teaches you the fundamentals of the framework, while the third section leads you through the game development.

A fourth section goes into depth about the unique strengths of Reactjs and uses the addition of extra features to the game to teach you more about React’s props and states.

2. React & Redux Masterclass

Udemy also has free Reactjs courses on offer and this React & Redux Masterclass is one of the best you’ll find. Redux is a smaller JS library that provides data flow capabilities to help you create better JavaScript applications.

This course shows you the best methods to create action handlers, as well as reusable stateless components for more efficient React.js programming.

You’ll also learn the React Flux architecture, which is React’s preferred pattern for managing data flows between parent components and their children.

3. The Complete Beginner’s Guide

Written by Kristen Dyrr, this book takes you through all the different features of the framework using a slow but detailed approach that’s accompanied by lots of code examples.

It assumes that you already know HTML and similar topics, so that’s not touched. Else, she takes you through the setup to creating input fields, form validation, data submission, and components rendering.

She also has a reactjs tutorial online, from where you can download this book.

4. Learn React for Free

Scrimba is an interactive online learning platform where you can learn to code using screen-casts. This course is offered by Bob Ziroll and includes 58 lessons with a total time of 5 hours.

It’s a perfect course for the React beginner who’s already conversant with other web technologies. It touches on CSS styling, JSX, ReactDOM, states, class-based components, forms, and so much more.

5. Front End Web Development with React

Coursera also offers a free Reactjs course from Jogesh Muppala of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.

It focuses on Reactjs version 16 and includes an introduction to all the necessary React components, the React Router, and how to use it for single-page applications. It also teaches you about Redux and its use for the Flux architecture.

This course will take bout 36 hours to complete, but it offers flexible deadlines and comes with a shareable certificate as well.

6. React Fundamentals

React Fundamentals is another free course from Udemy. It’s offered by Edvinas Daugirdas and requires your familiarity with basic JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

This course will teach you how to quickly set up your Reactjs environment, as well as other core concepts, such as props, state, components, and JSX. You’ll also learn about form and input management for data validation and the React router V4.

7. A Beginner’s Guide to React

Egghead.io is another nice website for the up and coming developer to learn a wide range of topics in an interactive environment. It offers screen-cast video tutorials that are concise and designed for fast learning.

This particular course is for React newbies who need a solid foundation on the framework. 28 modules teach everything from JSX to states, form building, form handling, and so much more.

It has a total time of 2 hours and 27 minutes and is offered for free by Kent C. Dodds, a JavaScript developer, and Open Source aficionado.

8. Free React Bootcamp

This Free React Bootcamp tutorial is a collection of four videos from ui.dev, another online platform to learn UI development using the different JavaScript frameworks out there.

The videos are, however, more of an introduction to Reactjs development and the producers also admit this. They are for free though, and if you want more, you can always go for their more up-to-date and in-depth paid courses.

9. React.js Projects for Beginners

Here’s another set of video tutorials to learn React for beginners. There are five videos in this series, and they have a combined duration of over 2 hours.

This project is the work of Telmo Sampaio, a full stack web developer from the UK. He gives it out for free but also has other paid courses, including core JavaScript and React courses.

10. Codeacademy

Codeacademy also offers a Reactjs course. The package contains 7 lessons and has a 20-hour duration. It will teach you about JSX, React components, life-cycle methods, hooks, and some advanced topics.

This popular online portal teaches you to code using a proven interactive method and this has contributed to their immense success in e-education. So, if you prefer interactive education and you’ve got the time to dedicate to it, then learning at Codeacademy could be worth it.


We’ve reached the end of our top 10 websites and courses to learn reactjs online for free list and as you can see, there’s something for everyone here.

Whether it’s videos, books, or interactive tutorials that you learn best with, find what suits you and happy coding. Try to stay disciplined and you will be glad you did.

Nnamdi Okeke

Nnamdi Okeke

Nnamdi Okeke is a computer enthusiast who loves to read a wide range of books. He has a preference for Linux over Windows/Mac and has been using
Ubuntu since its early days. You can catch him on twitter via bongotrax

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